A few Association reminders about motorized vehicles on trails and signs posted on your property:
Motorized Vehicles on Trails are Prohibited
Motorized vehicles on the trails are strictly prohibited. I have received multiple complaints of snowmobiles on trails. Motorized vehicles on the trails jeopardize the safety of those utilizing the trails as they are intended.
No sign shall be displayed on the property except for political campaign signs and/or normal rental and/or for sale signs.
Political Signs Prohibited after November 13, 2020
Minnesota Statutes Section 211B.045 states: A homeowner is entitled to post a sign of any size in the owner’s yard from June 26, 2020, to November 13, 2020.
This notice is a friendly reminder of the covenants, both State and Association.
Future notices will be in the form of individually written violations/fines to those homeowners who aren’t in compliance with the above 3 subjects.
Please reach out to The Association directly with any questions.